The mumblings of a crafty smallholder on Dartmoor, Devon

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

A bit slow on the uptake...

Hello again!

I hope you and yours had a fabulous Christmas!?

As usual work ran away with me-plays, concerts etc... Hence lack of blogging (NYR-Update weekly!) I only managed to catch up with my friend Em (dartmoor ramblings blog) on Christmas Eve

Home is looking lovely, and smelling great with the real tree. In our road (4 houses) there are currently only 2 houses full, everyone else has gone away-so it is quiet and still (which I rather like)

We never managed to finish the painting-so spent Xmas day in the back of the house (Where it looks more jolly)

Mr Crow has just dashed off to the Boxing Day sales in Exeter. Mini Me Peggy and I are chillaxing, eating chocs and mooching about our gifts.


  1. Hooray....back at last! I wonder if you've eaten as many chocs as I have? xx

  2. Well, I wouldn't like to say! I'd bet I've put on a few inches ;) x
