The mumblings of a crafty smallholder on Dartmoor, Devon

Friday, 2 November 2012

Half term - Fun & tumbles

Hello again!
Well, it's been half term here this week-It's always chock a block. We always want to do more than we actually achieve!
We have had a horse on his holidays from Cornwall for the week. This has very much pleased Daughter Peg, as he is her favourite thing ever! We usually only see him twice a month-So daily rides have been fun, challenging and exhausting for a non horsey mum!
He has been a delight, and most unforgiving towards a complete amateur!On occasion I have wished he could speak!
We have seen friends for play dates and tidied up around the house (We've been decorating, so it has looked like a garage sale for a few weeks)
We went trick or treating at a local village. We saw lots of friends and the littlest Witch was happy. She had drawn over 20 pumpkin designs ready for the big day ('It is one of my favouritest days of the year!) We struggled to find pumpkins and opted for any we could find! These were quite small; but perfectly formed, and only £1 each! 
On Thursday we went to Bath for a night away. It is Mr Crows birthday this weekend, so we decided to celebrate! This is not quite as easy when you need a pet sitter! Luckily we have a very nice lady up the road who just loves animals and even took our dog for a sleepover!
Bath was bustling & very cold! Daughter Peg loved the Roman Baths, and I loved the shops! Especially 'The Makery' and the charity shops. We stayed at a lovely Georgian Hotel very close to the centre. It was warm and comfortable. Daughter Peg loves exploring new places, including bouncing on beds!
We had a lovely evening meal at a restaurant called 'Aqua' it was relaxed and the food was fabulous!
Returned home today after a trip to Ikea in Bristol-you can never have too many bright plastic things!!   


  1. I never saw this did I miss it? Sorry about that. If I'd known you were going to Ikea....

  2. Oh, If only Em! IKEA was hectic (well, in truth it always is; but I still feel the urge to go!)Next time we can go together with Origami boy and Daughter Pegs! x
