The mumblings of a crafty smallholder on Dartmoor, Devon

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Being a grown up!

This last week Mr Crow & I have had time together, this is most unusual. We love spending time as a 3! A few weeks ago Peg suggested that we go out for a meal, without her, and that she was happy to have a babysitter! I did wonder if there was an ulterior motive!
So, go out we did, we had a very jolly evening in a nice restaurant locally.
As mentioned in previous post, we then had the opportunity to go to the theatre.The babysitter was called upon again (She was pleased as I think she rather likes looking after Peg!)
Today we had to take Pegs to an 8th birthday party at Kents Caverns, yet again we found ourselves footloose and fancy free for 2 whole hours! We chose to have a civilised breakfast in Torquay, and a wander around. It was nice; but I find myself wondering if Pegs is having a nice time, and buying her small items!
I hope you had a fine weekend?

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