The mumblings of a crafty smallholder on Dartmoor, Devon

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Opps! Hello again

Hello Dear 2 followers, I know 2! How exciting!
I am back! I have just been sent an email by a dear friend, or should that be fiend? Telling me to get on with my blogging!
I've been busy in the garden-Well I say I, I mean We! We now have a new wall (v attractive stone built affair) A few less trees, more grass, and the pigs are now chomping away in the area that will be my raised beds (eventually!)
I spent a whole day sorting out the border opposite the house -It had to be weeded, dug over and planted up. It's looking lovely, just hoping the hostas survive the slugs!
The new chickens have started laying the most lovely tiny eggs. The alpaca will soon be mated (any good looking males around?) and the goats have started play fighting (they never grow up!)
I had a lovely phone call on Monday-I won the raffle at the local co-op! 12 bottles of wine (hic!) Perfect for BBQ's, we just need that shiny thing in the sky to re-appear!
Promise to return soon, I may even try to add picures ! x