The mumblings of a crafty smallholder on Dartmoor, Devon

Saturday, 5 January 2013

He's behind you!

Hello there, Today we are off to the Panto!
I think I am more excited than the 2 girls I am taking!
I've beem a panto fan for years. Having a January Birthday, my sister & I always went to the panto for a birthday treat!More of that later!
Today however I have started tidying my scraps. I got 'Sunday morning Quilts' book for Christmas (off myself) It suggests that you have your scraps in sizes! So the other day daughter Pegs & I went to Trago (Our big cheap local shop) and bought 10 large lunch boxes (these were cheaper than crafting boxes) Today I have managed to fill all 10 (a few more needed) I also found lots of half finished projects (I need to make these top priority!!) and Daughter Pegs school name tags -How I searched high and low for these!! My Office is still a tip, but at least there is now a small space ;)  
Enjoy your Saturday (what is left of it!) x

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Tidying up

This morning Daughter Peg and I went out to feed the animals. We currently have 4 Alpaca in one field and 3 others in the neignbouring one. The chickens were clambering on top of each other whilst our home grown cock (Wiggy-Guess why!) was stood atop the henhouse shouting with all his might. He is the smallest of our birds; but definately the loudest!
The goats standing on their hind legs leaning over the gate to welcome us!
The pigs-Hamsterdam, Jamaica & Lucia were trotting around their newly furrowed field, drinking from the shelll shaped paddling pool.
Whilst out we spotted our neighboours kittens-boy & girl. Pegs decided to entice them by waving branches, and swaying them about. They took some convincing. Whilst she was kitten whispering I collected fallen logs and twigs on our giant tree stump.
Luckily I had my camera with me and managed to take 160 photos in the space of 1 hour!
On return to the house Pegs had been (unbeknown to me) collecting giant fir cones, which she had squirreled away on the front door step! She wants to decorate them-I am thinking  of spraying them in bright Spring colours.
We filled up the bird feeders and came in for an indoor picnic lunch.
I had left the lounge windows slightly open and the kitten boy, being daring threw himself up and over (high jump style) into the lounge! He was quickly removed amid cooing from Pegs! (Much heavier than I thought he'd be)
Daughter Peg is currently sat practising piano ready for her lesson tomorrow... I meanwhile am supposed to be upstairs tidying ;)
Enjoy the rest of your day x       

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Bird feeders

Outside our utility room there is a tree, well actually it has been well trimmed so it's now a tall stump! In that tree we have placed 4 bird feeders. I take great delight each day observing the birds whilst loading the washing machine and washing up (we have a dishwasher; but I often choose not to use it just to get a chance to stand watching the birds!)
Just this morning (after a lazy lie in-Pegs had to be woken at 9:20!!) I stood fascinated by the Blue Tits (there is all weathers) the Sparrows and the Nuthatch. I must try to get my camera at the ready next time!
The Robin hops by most days too. My Dad loves robins and each year my daughter usally chooses a Robin themed gift for part of his Xmas box!
The cheeky squirrel sometimes runs aong the back wall; but more often than not he is on the hedge opposite performing gymnastic feats.
Enjoy your wednesday-Here's hoping you're not back at work like poor Mr Crow! x 

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

January 1st -Teignmouth here we come!

Hello there

Today we decided to go to the beach with our lovely dog!
He absolutely hates travelling (we wonder if it is linked to the fact he came from a rescue centre?)
He enjoys meeting other dogs, and sniffing new we placed blankets in the back of Mr C's car and off we went.

The sun was shining it was practically sunbathing weather ;)
We walked all the way along the beach, Daughter Pegs collecting 'pretty shells', The dog sniffeting, Mr Crow & I nattering. It was very therapeutic.

We returned home to tidy up the Xmas Decs, Put up a few pictures (new = gifts) and watch Harry Potter No5 (Pegs got the boxed set for Xmas)
Hope you enjoyed your first day of the new year too x